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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York
We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333 example@domain.comA cross-platform mobilalkalmazás kifejezetten arra lett tervezve, hogy rögzítse egy család vagy barát csoport történetét és különleges pillanatait.
A Kapshoo ösztönzi felhasználóit, hogy rögzítsék és osszák meg közös eseményeiket, élményeiket és tudásukat, így mindig újraélhetik az együtt megosztott örömteli emlékeket. A Kapshoo lehetőséget nyújt az idősebb embereknek arra, hogy felkészüljenek a legrosszabbra, és búcsúüzeneteket hagyjanak maguk után távozásukkor.
Ezen módon emlékezetük és bölcsességük megmaradhat a következő generációk számára.
Az évek során számos ügyfélnek segítettünk digitalizálni üzleti folyamatait.
Mindig az Ön kezében lehet az irányítás
Ügyfeleinkhez egyénileg alkalmazkodva folyamatosan optimalizáljuk munkafolyamatunk minden aspektusát.
Alapos üzleti elemzést végzünk, hogy a fejlesztési folyamatot az üzleti céljaidhoz igazítsuk
UI/UX design, motion design, animációk és wireframek készítése
A legfontosabb funkciókra koncentrálva megoldjuk, hogy az MVP csupán néhány precízen megszervezett kéthetes sprint után készen álljon.
Segítünk az ötletét sikeres szoftvertermékké alakítani.
Being an experienced MVP development company, we stick with the traditional SDLC, augmenting it with the most beneficial tactics and methods for the particular project. This approach lets us build effective solutions to collect the necessary information with the least resources spent.
Our business analysts initiate the MVP software development services delivery by clarifying your vision and goals, researching the current market, estimating the scope, and identifying risks and ways to downplay them.
Using the data derived during the discovery phase, Syndicode UX/UI designers create an information architecture to ensure simple user navigation. For complex projects, we sometimes include wireframing into our MVP development services. This allows us to see what works and doesn’t in terms of usability and functionality.
The MVP software development stage is where the plans and visual designs are turned into functional code. RabIT developers decide on the most beneficial tech stack for your project and work with QA engineers to ensure correct software performance, stability, and testability.
A developed MVP goes through various manual and automated tests to validate its performance, compliance with requirements, standards, industry regulations, browser and device compatibility, etc. Testers prepare documentation certifying the product’s quality that is further used for launch. The development team also makes release notes containing core information about your MVP that are available for the end-users.
Our MVP development services do not end at launch. We stay in touch with you and ready to step in with fixes or updates as necessary. Being at the origin of your MVP development, our specialists quickly detect bugs and find the reason for their occurrence.
We base our MVP development services on the “less is more” principle, minimizing the number of ways the system can go wrong. We keep external plugins and libraries at the essential minimum and get the work done with as little code as possible.
We own what we do and go the extra mile with research and planning to avoid losses. Our analysts aim to validate the idea before any coding is started and wind the project down if it’s just wrong. We also begin QA early to predict and mitigate risks.
We follow a build-measure-learn process that implies making an informed assumption, implementing it with a minimum of resources, and testing. Thus, the product doesn’t take much time to go live and gets continuous improvements.
As an experienced MVP development company, we know how to abridge a solution to cut development and maintenance costs while still getting a valuable product. We help to carry out market research and prioritize further software extensions.
We thoroughly test the product at each development stage so malfunctions won’t distract users from assessing. Also, setting clear and measurable KPIs is a part of our MVP development services, so you will know what to monitor to evaluate your MVP performance.
Starting our MVP development service with business analysis helps us prevent sudden challenges that slow down the development. Also, we build an MVP with further improvements in mind, so its architecture allows for complex add-ons without rework.
They recognized that most athletes dedicate their time to training their bodies while neglecting their mental health and strength. Their goal was to design a solution that could reach a wide audience of athletes competing at high school and college levels.
They believed that the most effective way to reach young athletes would be through an iOS-based mobile application. However, lacking extensive knowledge of the software industry at the time, they sought a software development partner with experience in the US market to assist them with the business and technical aspects of the project.
Further development of an existing web application, which offers online casino game showcasing services worldwide with more than 4,000 free-to-try slot machine simulators.
The platform allows users to try out different casino games for free, with virtual currency. By creating their own accounts users can also take part in various online tournaments.
The cross-platform mobile application has been designed to capture the history and special moments within a family or a group of friends.
Kapshoo encourages its users to record and share joint events, experiences and knowledge, so that they can always relive joyful memories shared together. Kapshoo gives elderly people a chance to prepare for the worst and leave behind farewell messages upon their departure. This way,their memory and wisdom will be preserved for generations to come.
Web-based event planning and management tool for organizers around the globe.
Our client is the CEO of a Saas-startup, whose goal was to make the work of event organizers easier by creating the “event- flow representation method”.
We completed the MVP in just 3 months, the result was a slick and streamlined solution that allows organizers to easily create and quickly share event plans using the web app’s polished UI.
Tripful is an app designed to help female travel enthusiasts find companions for their upcoming trips. You can create a Meetup post yourself in which you detail where you’re planning to go and what you’re planning on doing, or you can check out the Meetups posted around you.
Since we are still living in a post-covid era where traveling to distant countries may come with difficulties, Tripful is specialized for local excursions. The application uses geolocation to list all the wanderlusters nearby, and once you have found a Meetup to your liking with a sympathetic travel companion, you can connect through live chat to discuss details and stay connected.
Complete recreation of a legacy desktop software as a cloud-based application.
The main goal was to keep all the existing features from the old software while improving user experience and adding some new functionality as well. Caspar Cloud is a case management system built for organisations that are looking after the elderly, sick or other people who cannot take care of themselves. The system stores all the patients’ data and properties and allows caretakers to manage their healthcare appointments and finances as well.
Design anything from simple icons to fully featured
websites and applications.
"It takes a special company for me to set aside time for a glowing review."
We were impressed with the company's attitude, mindset and integrity.
The RabIT Software Engineering Team is versatile, realiable, and has produced quality work.
RabIT goes the extra mile. They were always transparent with workflow and task, but the effort they put in truly set them apart from other agencies.
6724 Szeged, Cserzy Mihály St. 30/B